Version 2.0

Brand Guidelines

This is a quick guide outlining the definite do’s and don’ts of WeAre8’s brand. It includes logos (lockups and wordmarks), creative tools and design elements associated with WeAre8.
It is intended to allow the brand to be a clean canvas for creativity, whilst retaining recognition of key brand assets. Namely the 8 logo mark and the colour yellow.

Please only use the brand elements found in these guidelines.
Do not use any WeAre8’s brand elements taken from third party sources.

1.0 Logos

The 8 logo represents our community. It’s a badge of honour we wear with pride and reflects the infinite power of people and the planet coming together in harmony.
The 8 symbol is a reminder there are currently 8 billion people on our planet, we have less than 8 years to save our planet* from irreversible change and you can make impact on the world in less than 8 minutes a day on WeAre8.
*Based on 2022

If you’d like to use any WeAre8 logos, please follow these guidelines.

• Only show the Logo in yellow, navy, black or white
• Use as a subtraction onto suitable textures and content

• Alter, rotate, or modify any logo
• Obstruct the logo surround with other characters or creatures
• Use the logos to refer to any product or service other than WeAre8

Download logos

App Icon
This is our primary visual icon, our identity.

App Icon Lockup
This is our secondary visual icon. Use it when more context is needed to explain who we are.

App icon

Flagship yellow app icon logo, navy 8.

App icon lockup

Flagship yellow app icon logo, navy 8 and workmark.

Infinity Logo
This is an alternative to our primary visual icon. Use it at scale on bold colours or over imagery.

Navy infinity

Primary visual icon

Black infinity

Primary visual icon

Yellow infinity

Primary visual icon

White infinity

Primary visual icon

This is an alternative to our secondary visual icon. Use it in presentations, together with brand partners and when the brand name is written in copy, for example press releases, advertorials, online and print.

Navy wordmark

Flagship navy logo 8, infinity wordmark.

Black wordmark

Black logo variant 8, infinity wordmark.

WeAre8 Yellow Wordmark Logo

Yellow wordmark

Flagship yellow logo 8, infinity workmark.

WeAre8 Logo

White wordmark

White logo variant, 8 infinity wordmark.

Web/Social Icon
This is a monochrome version of the app icon with a hollow centre. It can be supplied to charity partners or brands to display alongside other social icons online.

White hollow icon

Flagship white app icon logo, hollow 8.

2.0 Colour system

We use colour to reflect the brand and be recognisable and unique.
Ensure when using yellow that you do so on a dark background or image so that you retain legibility and contrast.
The same applies for white text also. Accents are used alongside Yellow to draw attention and add emphasis to key features in all 8 experiences.


C: 4
M: 2
Y: 8
K: 7

Pantone: Yellow C


Pantone: 2756 C


C: 96
M: 97
Y: 16
K: 4


Pantone: 171 C


C: 0
M: 77
Y: 77
K: 0

Pantone: 7720 C


C: 89
M: 43
Y: 54
K: 22

Pantone: 297 C

Sky Blue

C: 44
M: 17
Y: 0
K: 0

Black, White & Grey









3.0 Typography

Our headline font is Futura. We use the Condensed Extra Bold Oblique only.

Our body copy font is Montserrat, we use 4 different weights depending on what is being said.

When we want to animate a word or sentence we use Anitype Journal, it has 5 different variations which when used consecutively animates automatically.
When we want to pull out a word or phrase we use Antihero in a different size and colour to the rest of the sentence. Ensure you use it sparingly as not to make the sentence hard to read.

Activate FuturaActivate MontserratDownload Anitype Journal & Antihero






Mobile (H)

Mobile (V)


Extra Bold Oblique

81 pt/px




Heading 2


55 pt/px




Heading 3

Semi Bold

45 pt/px






34 pt/px




Lead paragraph – Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.


18 pt/px




Standard paragraph – Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.


14 pt/px






14 pt/px




Animated words

Anitype Journal

40 pt/px




Pull out words


40 pt/px




4.0 Imagery

The WeAre8 app is centred around the content it hosts. In particular the content found on the 8Stage from our family of creators.
In our marketing and sales collateral, imagery should draw upon the best from our creators, or when alternate content is needed, stock imagery can be leveraged.
Imagery should sell the empowering values of WeAre8 through the use of impactful images of people and the planet. It should always feel real, emotive, and human!



5.0 Gradients & Shapes

To accompany imagery and create bright and bold creative there are a range of gradients and shapes you can use as backgrounds.

Download Gradients & Shapes

6.0 Templates

Find templates and guides to create on brand social posts across off network social accounts such as Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok.

Download Social Media Templates

7.0 Language & Audience

The way we speak and what we say is important.
Here is a guide to get you started but don't be afraid to ask for help if you're not sure what to say or how to say it.


Share the Love

Elevator Pitch

Two billion of us are living on social technology that we know is making us more isolated, fuelling the mental health crisis, fuelling the climate crisis, destroying democracy and dividing us in ways that are shocking for society, humanity and the planet.

Our mission is to unite 1% of the population (that’s 80 million) to make positive impact every day in a social home that’s free from hate and enables social change.

On WeAre8, we want to divert 10% of the world’s digital advertising spend to help solve the world’s biggest problems. We make this happen by sharing 60% of our advertising revenue back with our community.


Core Demographic: 16-39 years
State of Mind: Optimistic Change Champions

Youth Caretakers: Knowledge is my power. I want the tools to make the world a better place.

Future Guardians: I worry about the digital world that my children will inherit.

Tone of Voice

We are warm, welcoming with a point to get across. We live on the optimistic side of life, and want to guide the world down a more positive path.We are a level playing field, more a peer than parent, and never corporate or unapproachable in our tone. If there’s a problem, we always highlight the solution. We like to push boundaries, but always in a way that brings sunshine and a cheeky smile to the conversation, never in a cynical or abrasive manner. 

Our Voice Rules

1. Be RelevantWe build our product and curate
our content with its benefit to people and planet top of mind. Tailor your writing around this.

2. Move PeopleWe exist not only to inspire and entertain, but also to be an enabler to collectively overcome the world’s biggest problems. Be thoughtful and insightful in how you bring
this message to life.

3. Be Positive We are a positive brand. Always communicate in a way that brings sunshine and a smile, and highlights the solution to the problem.

4. Beautiful SimplicityWe want to counteract the clutter and chaos of the world by making it easy to understand us - this means simple, to the point, jargon-free copy.

The Reaction = Impactful

We want to leave people with a sense that they have the ability to make a difference in the world, and be inspired and surprised along the way. 

8.0 Stationery

Click your corresponding location below to create your email signature.

9.0 Presentations

Because we use Google Slides for presentations, alternate fonts are used.
These are Saira Condensed Black for headings and Montserrat Normal for body copy.
They are both Webfonts and can be added in the 'More Fonts' section of Google Slides.

Master GTM